Social Media Vs Traditional Marketing

What is the difference between social media and traditional marketing, let’s take a quick look at each one.

What is traditional marketing… you are watching TV and just as the show is pumping it goes to commercial.

What is that all about???
That is called interruptive marketing you can choose to either watch it or you may well be a channel flicker, this is why channel flicking lives in every household. However the fortune spent on advertising as made commercials quite entertaining and can compete well with any flicker.

Social media marketing is when you participate by hopping on Facebook or Twitter to see what has been going on and you see an entry where a friend recommends a product or a service from a fanpage on Facebook or Twitter.

You see the product and/or service and realise you would like to have it as well. Though this is not the reason you went on Facebook, you were influenced by a friends recommendation and so you go check out the site and then you can make a decision whether you interact and then maybe purchase the product or service yourself. So you order or go back to Facebook this is social media marketing AKA participation marketing.

So that was a quick interpretation of social media and traditional marketing.

We have seen that the marketing landscape has changed more dramatically in the past 5 years than in all forms of marketing in the past 50 years.

Consumers have access to technology where they can do their own research on products and services. Research has shown that 97% of consumers are already doing this.

Traditional marketing surrounds us constantly at work, at home, on the way to work, social functions there is always some form of marketing. Due to this ever increasing form of marketing we have developed “ad blindness”, we just do not see most of the advertising. This is why millions is spent on advertising getting impressionable people to promote products so as consumers we take notice.

This interruptive marketing that you are exposed to provides a captured audience with an awareness, you may take the information on board and consider the product, you then decide on your preference of the brand and then you may purchase. This type of marketing has been shown to a large audience to maybe get one potential buyer.

Social media marketing is more socially geared the consumer is a participant. There is an interaction on the website, Facebook, twitter, YouTube etc. As a consumer you can choose to become involved and with this interaction and involvement you, as a consumer becomes intimate with the product and service. You then purchase and recommend the product and or service and this then influences your peers to trust and see credibility in the product and or service. Townsville Social Media Marketing or on our fanpage.

So from this you can see the power of social media Vs traditional marketing. For more information contact us at


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