Tracy Raiteri
Cheep, Peep or Tweet…What is Twitter?
OK, what is Twitter, with a name like that you imagine all these birds, aka, humans chattering away. Well let’s be enlightened. You are right , however it is much more than that.
Twitter is actually a real-time information network it keeps you connected to the latest information that is of interest to you.
You share something that you have found interesting with others that are interested in similar things. You send a “tweet” much like a text message, however your audience is the world from your Twitter profile page.
A tweet is 140 characters or less therefore you learn to send clear concise messages to people and they can quickly read what is happening or of extreme interest to them. If they want more info they can go to the source which you can leave in your tweet.
Today 94% of Australians have mobile devices and 70% have smart phones and this will only increase with new purchases of mobile phones. Twitter is continuing to grow since it started in 2006. It is estimated to have 190 million users, generating 65 million tweets a day and handling over 800,000 search queries per day.
You do not have to even register with Twitter to search for information of interest to you. Simply find the public streams you find most compelling and follow the conversations.
Twitter is the best way to discover what’s new in your world.
If you are in business Twitter is a network for you to connect your business to customers in real-time. Businesses currently use Twitter to quickly share information with people interested in their products and services, gather real-time market intelligence and feedback, and build relationships with customers, partners and influential people.
Twitter believes that the open exchange of information can have a positive global impact. Every day Twitter is inspired by stories of people using Twitter to help make the world a better place in unexpected ways.
So let Twitter become part of your future whether it is to follow conversations of interest or to help propel your business successfully into the future. Townsville Social Media Marketing is a proactive team who are happy to propel your business forward. Visit our site and and we will offer you a free web analysis of your website and internet marketing plan.
Social Media Marketing Insights
Maggie Fox presents here a wonderful insight into social media marketing and the importance of this type of media to all businesses.
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As our world becomes more and more digital an insight into social media marketing is essential for running a successful business by showing your service and / or product to people in the comfort of their own homes.
An insight into social media marketing potential for businesses is consolidated with some facts about Facebook.
People on Facebook:
More than 500 million active users
50% of our active users log on to Facebook in any given day
Average user has 130 friends
People spend over 700 billion minutes per month on Facebook, what an insight to social media marketing – a captive audience
Activity on Facebook:
There are over 900 million objects that people interact with (pages, groups, events and community pages)
Average user is connected to 80 community pages, groups and events
Average user creates 90 pieces of content each month
More than 30 billion pieces of content (web links, news stories, blog posts, notes, photo albums, etc.) shared each month.
This should give insight to any business owner on the importance of a social media marketing plan. If you are going to succeed into our technological / digital future then contact one of our consultants at Townsville Social Media Marketing for a free analysis of your website and internet marketing plan. With this insight into social media marketing join us in the forefront of this brilliant strategy.
Please also visit our Facebook Fan Page , we are always looking for likes and you will receive a free eBook called “How Businesses Are Leveraging New Internet Marketing Platforms”
Importance of Social Media for Business
Social Media for business has proven to be the most effective way to provide credibility for your product and / or service.
Social media is here to stay and anyone with a business and wishing it to continue; need to use social media for their business. It provides great opportunities for businesses, especially the small business as the cost can be quite minimal in comparison to typical marketing strategies – radio, television and yellow pages.
It’s no secret a paradigm shift in consumer behaviour is compelling businesses to change how they market their services and/or products.
61% of Australians now go online for information before making a decision to buy. This is why social media is so important for business.
Everyday more than a million new websites are being added to the internet every day. Reasearch has shown that even with a great website that only 5% of its visitors will purchase from the site, in other words there is another 95% that could make potential purchases, however they leave your site, probably never to return.
With social media your business can hone in on the other 95% more effectively and efficiently.
Social media is the integration of Facebook , Twitter, YouTube, forums, message boards, blogs, LinkedIn, podcasts and many more internet tools. This form of networking builds confidence and credibility in your business through recommendations, Facebook likes, feedback and customer stories.
All businesses need to use social media for their business or they will be left behind in the business world. A couple examples of social media are Facebook and Twitter.
Facebook is one social media channel where initially it was used to keep in college students in touch with one another. However now if Facebook was a country it would be the third most populated country behind China and India. And if you think Facebook is only for the college students, keep in mind that the fastest-growing demographic is women 35 – 64 years.
Another social media is Twitter, with 200,000,000 members it has significant impact on your social authority score, building and generating new leads and customers. Statistically Twitter is a formidable search engine, hosting some 240,000,000,000 searches per month – more than Yahoo! and Bing combined.
So if you are looking to focus on that 95% and see the importance of social media for business then contact us at Townsville Social Media Marketing or contact one of our consultants and we will give you a free analysis of your website and internet marketing plan.
What is Social Media
What is social media it is media that is designed to be disseminated through social interaction, this social interaction shares information, opinions and promotes products and services between all.
This technology promotes businesses, websites, products and services through good old fashioned word-of- mouth. A friend recommends or likes something to their friend or family who then passes on this recommendation to another friend through social media such as facebook, and then begins the domino effect of social media.
With these recommendations you know yourself that the product or service is credible so you are more inclined to use or purchase that service or product. And like word-of-mouth social media is shared freely.
Social media are primarily Internet- and mobile-based tools for sharing and discussing information among ourselves. Social media is basically the use of technology combined with social interaction.
It started with text messaging on your mobile phone and has now led to the likes of Facebook , Twitter, YouTube, forums, message boards, blogs, LinkedIn, podcasts and many more internet tools which keeps us up to date with our family, friends and the world.
Facebook is one social media channel where initially it was used to keep in touch with friends in colleges in America. However now if Facebook was a nation it would be the third most populated nation behind China and India. And if you think Facebook is only for the college students, keep in mind that the fastest-growing demographic is women 35 – 64 years.
Another social media is Twitter, with 200,000,000 members, with 240,000,000,000 searches per month more than Yahoo! and Bing combined.
YouTube is a perfect intersection of online video marketing, social media and search engine visibility. Currently over 970 million videos are viewed each month in Australia alone. YouTube is #2 search engine on the internet.
So in today’s modern world of technology it is no surprise that more than 94% of Australians have mobile devices and 70% of them are internet capable “smart phones”. More than 250 million mobile text messages are sent each month and 90% of them are read within one hour of receipt.
Imagine being able to use social media in your business. You can and more! More and more are doing it so be on the cutting edge of a brilliant new social media marketing strategy and contact one of our consultants for a free analysis of your website and internet marketing plan.
So now you know what social media is, so now all you have to do is let this type of media and Townsville Social Media Marketing build your business to its greatest potential.
5 Business Social Media Strategies
There are 5 business social media strategies to consider for a successful marketing campaign.
1. C U S TO M W E B P R E S E N C E & P R O F I L E S:
Regardless of whether you have a Web site already, every business needs a search engine-friendly Web presence that is designed to draw traffic and capture leads. Extend your Web presence with optimized profiles in all the key online directories like Google Places. We’ll make sure that for all your chosen keywords your business will show up as the desired choice. If they can’t find you they can’t buy from you. Social media finds your site and gives it credibility.
2. L E A D C A P T U R E A N D F O L L O W- U P C A M PA I G N
Did you know that a GREAT webpage will convert 5% of its visitors to a purchase. Meaning that over 95% of the traffic you are sending/paying for is currently going to waste. However the AVERAGE page that offers consumers free info in exchange for their contact info gets 35-40% conversion. Imagine being able to instantly increase your return on leads 7 FOLD, and do it with push button automation.
3. S O C I A L M E D I A M A R K E T I N G
With over 700,000,000 members, Facebook and Twitter are giants within the social media network that cannot be ignored. Social networks have changed the way people research and make buying decisions. When leveraged in your favour you’ll have the opportunity to build more trust, respect, and credibility than ever before. Imagine being able to have feedback on how to improve your business, and sell more on a daily basis. Imagine being able to turn every customer into a potential raving fan who will advertise for you. We make it happen, and we do it all for you.
4. V I D E O & A R T I C L E M A R K E T I N G
Currently there are over 970 MILLION videos viewed per month in the Australia alone. YouTube is the #2 search engine on the Internet, and it only is a portal to user-created videos. There are more than 200 MILLION blogs hundreds of article directories that syndicate content throughout the Web. Imagine if you had the budget to broadcast info-videos and articles 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, you’d dominate your market. We’re going to show you how this is possible on a shoestring budget, and be able to engender more trust and respect with your customers than ever before. This is the power of social media and the strategies you can put into place.
5. M O B I L E M A R K E T I N G
More than 94% of Australians have mobile devices. 70% of them are Internet-capable “smart phones.” More than 250 million mobile text messages are sent each month and 90 percent of them are read within one hour of receipt. You need a mobile marketing strategy that leverages these trends and reaches your prospects who are going mobile.
So to pursue these 5 business strategies contact one of our consultants at Townsville Social Media Marketing and receive a free analysis of your website and internet marketing plan.
Let Townsville Social Media Marketing consultants help your business to implement and maintain your new internet marketing business plan.
Two Billion People Every Day
Social media is used by more than two billion people every day.
Search engines like Google have defined the “information” age, but social media has moved the world into the “referral” age. Selling is no longer a one-way broadcast, it has become a group conversation. Social media is paving the way for selling by referral. With two billion people conversing, word-of-month will travel quickly.
Most businesses don’t understand how important it will be in the next few years to tap into social media. They see social media as time-wasting and think of it in terms of reducing productivity but, as a marketing tool, nothing could be further from the truth. Social media represents a shift in the marketing paradigm. It has moved us into the “referral” age, and businesses that don’t embrace its importance, will be committing marketing suicide.
Platforms like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and YouTube are where the marketing opportunities lie. Today clients watch more YouTube and less television; they listen to more podcasts and less radio; they read more blogs and less magazines and newspapers; and, the clincher, they are seeking referrals and recommendations from their peers and paying less attention to advertising.
Around 40% of all online conversations are about company experiences and product referrals, so businesses need to ensure their product’s and service’s reputation is impeccable and that their clients are passing on favourable “referrals” in their online conversations.
It’s our job at Townsville Social Media Marketing to help businesses to cut through the hype and show them how they can implement a social media marketing strategy that will put their business infront of the crowd and help them build a tribe of happy referees.