Can You Change Your YouTube Username, Channel URL or Title?

A Fan asked us if it was possible to change a YouTube Username, URL or Title after the account was created. This question involves two different settings within Facebook. I have broken them down here:-

Change YouTube Username and URL

When you first create your YouTube Channel you select a username that is a maximum of 20 characters using only alph and numeric symbols. This ‘User’ name then becomes part of the channel URL. Eg Username ‘TvilleSocialMedia’ then becomes the URL

Change YouTube Username URL Title

Once a username has been created it CANNOT be changed. The only way around this is to create a new YouTube account. But this can be a problem if you want to use the same email address as the old YouTube account as you can only use one email address to create one YouTube account and you can’t change this if it is a gmail email.

FIX: Download any videos; delete the old YouTube account and create a new account with the correct User name.




Delete YouTube Username URL Title

  1. Log in to the old YouTube account;
  2. Download any videos you want to keep as this process will delete the videos on this channel. Click on the dropdown arrow next to your user name > Videos > click on the dropdown next to the ‘Insight’ next to the video you want to download > Download MP4 > Save it to your desktop.
  3. Click on the dropdown arrow next to your user name > Settings > Manage Account > Close Account.
  4. This will delete the old account;
  5. Now you will be able to create a new account with the original email address with the correct User Name that will form part of the URL;
  6. Upload the saved videos onto your new channel.

Change YouTube Channel Title

The title of your YouTube Channel is displayed on your YouTube Channel. You CAN change this as many times as you like.


  1. Click on the dropdown arrow next to your user name > Channel > Settings > Edit the Title > Save Changes.

Change YouTube Channel Title


I have created a screen recording showing that actual steps details above.

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