We Are Going Mobile With Smart Phones

Way of the future we are going mobile with smart phone technology, actually it is already here.

I found this study using two samples one being the Nielsen US Total Online Population panel and BlogHer Network sample – sample sizes 1254 women / 517 men and 2673 women / 98 men respectively.

Studies can always be manipulated to suit the researcher, however one of the interesting things in this study is that as a nation we are increasing our time on the internet regardless of our intention.

This snapshot from the study shows that Smart Phone Mobile & Apps has grown 32% from the previous study.

What does this mean….we are going mobile.
With the increasing availability of smart phones, as they are such an affordable item these days with all types of payment plans available, more and more people are connecting with the internet.

We are using them on holidays, whilst travelling, at our workplace (on our own time of course), basically anytime.

So what does that mean to you, well if you are a business owner and you need to advertise your business, and with all this smart phone mobile technology, then a smart move would be to join the smart phone mobile army and share your product / service with all these people using mobile interconnectivity.

I found this bit of interesting information on Brafton News…

Attendees at an event were messaged by Coca Cola asking them to send a message to Coke for the chance to win access to another part of the event.

The outcome was that nearly 16% of the 20,000 attendees engaged in that campaign.

Also in addition nearly 1/4 of them opted for continued mobile connection with Coke and from this Coke received increased user-generated mobile content.

This is the power of mobile interconnectivity and is the way of the future.
This snapshot from the above study also confirms that people are more interactive if there is an opportunity to win something.


So we are going mobile with smart phones, so to ensure that your business is being promoted effectively and efficiently using smart phones you can contact us by simply putting your email address and name into our sidebar.

We can offer assistance in setting up, implementing and maintaining your inter-connectivity with your current and potential clients, you can visit our fan page and click our like button if you liked this post and we are happy to offer you a free consultation and proposal.


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